Booking form for Property 2.

Note: Submitting the booking form does not guarantee your booking. All bookings are provisional until we have received your non-returnable deposit of £100.

Please use this page to submit bookings only. Use our enquiries page if you have any questions.

Before booking, make sure you have read and understood our Terms and Conditions and have ticked the box below to show this.

If you would rather submit your booking by post, please right-click the link for our printer-friendly version and use "Save Target As ..." or "Save Link As ..." to save it to your computer. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the file. You can download it for free from Adobe by clicking on the image below:

Booking Form

I have read, understood and accept on behalf of all the members of my party, the Booking Conditions and agree to be bound by them.
Details of Party Leader
Title: First Name: Last Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Town / City:
Post Code:
Email Address:
Telephone No. (Day): Telephone No. (Eve):
Number in your party:
Details of other party member(s)
NameAge (if under 21)
Note: Bookings are from Saturday to Friday, inclusive
First Night:
Last Night:
Please enter any additional comments below:
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